If you want to be a successful blogger then you must have to work hard and have patience.
Ask any frustrated blogger what they thought their greatest blogging challenge would be, and their answers will surprise you. Some believed that they would be so busy writing fresh content that they would not have a healthy work-life balance.
You might have had lofty dreams of meeting weird internet strangers, becoming famous, and making tons of money. These aspirations quickly vanish bloggers realize that no one is reading their heartfelt blog posts.
Well, no one besides your best friend and mom, and they do not count, because they are just being nice to you, or so you think. This situation can be very heartbreaking and frustrating for a blogger who receives no comments, no new subscribers, and zero emails when they know that they have put the best content on their blog.
Reasons Why You Are Not A Successful Blogger
1. They do not ask for help
Famous blogger and content creator Neil Patel warn that the odds are already stacked against any new blogger. There is so much competition in the market that your blog post will simply sink into oblivion before it gains any traction.
He advises you not to make the common mistake that all newbie bloggers make like writing content and then sitting back and awaiting readership. It does not matter how viral-worthy the content is; it will not bring you automatic traffic.
So what should you do instead? Neil Patel advocates for aggressive content promotion as the key to those shares, links, conversions, and eyeballs that you are craving. You need to embark on the process of promoting what is already promotional content. One method that works wonders is reaching out to popular content sharers.
Influencer marketing is so powerful that it can quickly build your online presence by reaching out to your target audience. Data shows that digital ads are quickly being overtaken by influencer marketing. At least two-thirds of all retailers in the US also use influencer marketing to get the word out there.
If you need to access the top sharers of your niche content, use SEO research and monitoring tools such as BuzzSumo, Google Alerts, or HubSpot. They will help you to identify people who can help you to grow your readership.
Contact them via email, and ask them to link to your article. If you are as good a blogger as your friends or mom say that you are, then you might just attain that influencer share that will turn your fortunes around.
2. Lack of self-promotion on social media
New bloggers suffering from impostor syndrome often avoid self-promotion. The impostor syndrome is real, and it could be the culprit behind that nagging feeling that you are perhaps a fraud, and no one will want to read your content.
This feeling causes many bloggers to devalue their worth and undermine their expertise. So next time you are caught up in a wave of self-doubt, remind yourself that great writers like Maya Angelou have felt like impostors too.
You need to overcome this feeling of inferiority and promote your content on social media constantly. Avoid the temptation to cover all social media bases at once. Begin with one or two and move on to other platforms as you grow.
As you share uplifting and helpful content, you will see your readership grow. It will also give you a boost to watch your content be of benefit to your readers.
3. You are not helpful
Successful bloggers create content that is more about their readers. You might fall into the temptation of turning your blog into an online journal, which is sorely focused on you. Your readers, however, care more about having their problems met, and it is your responsibility to meet that need if you want your engagement rates to soar.
So, learn to give value to every post before sharing it. If you want to take this helpful stance a notch higher, begin to provide solutions for online queries that border your niche. As an illustration, you can start by giving answers to questions in Quora.
Use that opportunity to link your answer to your fantastic article, and you will receive tons of referral traffic. The attention from Quora users will also help grow the influence of your blog.
4. They lack a posting schedule
As a blogger, you will need to fight the constant urge to procrastinate when it comes to creating and posting new content. Remember when you all were all doe-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready to change the world through blogging? You need to keep that fire burning.
Do not write only when the mood is right. If you need regular readership, then you have to provide regular content. Newspapers have this one feature thoroughly optimized. You will get a newspaper at the same time every day if you wish it.
This is the type of consistency that you should give your readers. You will not only get a more loyal following, but Google will love you too. Create a schedule and try as much as possible to stick to it.
5. Failure to capitalize on email subscriptions
There is no better to reel in those readers than by sharing your content with your email subscribers. You nevertheless need to be particularly careful when reaching out to your email subscribers. Successful bloggers say that one of the best ways that you can leverage your email list is by sending interesting information closely related to your new blog post.
As a writer, learn to insert snippets of the content that you want your email subscribers to read into an interestingly crafted email. If you have a post that would be of value to them, boost your readership by emailing your readers about it.
6. Content devoid of specific keywords
True blogging is information sharing, but you will not adequately share your content if no reader can find it online. While self-promotion and influencer sharing will go a long way, increasing your readership, you have to help the search engines when it comes to ranking.
Keyword usage is a vital component of any SEO strategy. Keywords will help the search bots to locate and understand your content. Research your keywords before writing and use them as per the required standards.
7. Forgetting to link out
Hyperlinking was once a much-misused SEO tactic, but when properly executed, it can give you many benefits. When writing your blog posts, place relevant hyperlinks in your articles to enhance your SEO score. Link to credible sources to enhance your credibility, and you will see your page views increase as your readers enjoy a better website experience.
To lower the chances of increased bounce rates from links, ensure that external links only open in new tabs. Keep working on your old content and link new blog posts to it to keep attracting more reactions from interested readers.
8. Posting challenging to read blogposts
There are easy article formatting methods that can make your content more attractive to readers. First, you need to use headings. Properly placed titles and long-form content invite more comments and shares. You have to be careful, however, that you do not misuse heading tags.
An article jam-packed with H2 and H3 headers might be easy to read but will affect your SEO rankings adversely. One other sneaky way to entice readers to keep on reading your content is to write shorter sentences. Add relevant images to break apart long paragraphs.
9. Websites with slow loading speeds
The average attention span of humans is at its lowest ever! Microsoft says that the online attention span has decreased from an average of 12 seconds to eight seconds. Consequently, no reader has any spare time for a slow-loading website.
Search engines also hate slow loading web pages. Employ proper web design considerations to ensure that your website loads faster. Make your website impressionable and avoid clutter from irrelevant ads.
10. Impatience
Rome was not built in a day, and there is no instant blogging success out there. Every successful blog is a labor of hard work and passion. You will need to put in endless hours of creative work to ensure a consistent and enjoyable content flow.
With persistence, patience, and a lot of creativity, your readership will grow from a trickle to the thousands. Your character as a writer and creative will be thoroughly tested during this process, but it will, in the end, make you a better and more sympathetic writer.
How to be a Successful Blogger in 2025
If you are thinking of launching a new blog, there is no better time to do it than at the beginning of a brand new decade. Below are some tips on the best way to succeed as a blogger this year.
1. Acquire a healthy blogging mindset
Blogging is not a walk in the park, so prepare to work the hardest you have ever had in your life. Things might be difficult in your early blogging days, but give yourself time to learn and grow.
2. Avoid a get rich quick mentality
Do not expect to become famous and rich overnight. Work on becoming a more creative writer and a more helpful blogger to your readers and the benefits of blogging will flow in.
3. Stay positive
You will succeed if you do not give up. Find a niche that you are passionate about.
If you write content that you are passionate about, your readers will devour it, and you will enjoy the research and writing process.
If your blog readership has become a disappointment, you can turn it around and begin to influence the lives of your readers.
Just correct the mistakes mentioned above, and you will soon see better results.
Read also:
- Best Blogging Tools for Bloggers in 2025
- WordPress Plugins Every Bloggers Should Use in 2025
- 10 Best WordPress Plugins to get more Social Shares
- 10 WordPress Plugins for Email Subscription
- Top 10 Successful Female Bloggers
- Top Affiliate Marketing Statistics for 2025
Author Bio:
Walter Akolo has been a freelance writer and internet marketer since 2011. He’s currently writing for Cardinal Digital Marketing, an Atlanta based digital marketing agency that specializes in PPC.
hey, Walter Akolo, thanks for this blog, now we are known about it why we fail to write a successful blog.
Thanks for sharing this article!
Thank you so much for the info!
Thanks for sharing this Post ❤️
hello sir,
I Love Blogging and i am your big fan
because you share always such a great information
this post is very helpful for all bloggers
Awesome Advisory Content .
Which Boost us to be the part of the blogging.
Thanks I learned a lot. In fact, it is one of the most helpful tips for a blogger.
I am just doing my research on how to start blogging? Is this the right time ?
This article is the best log of info till now.
Thank you.
To succeed with blogging you must provide definitive content.
Thanks for posting, this post is really amazing as well as useful. I will surely work on these points.
Glade to visit this real and helpful content such a good-minded blogger and genuine write. This content is really helping me as a new blogger and I am not gonna make any of these mistakes as a new blogger. I definitely share your content with my friends and I am sure they like your content too.
Yes, yes and yes. In fact, a lot of new bloggers make that one mistake. Sitting and waiting for the blog to get readership. And until you actually figure out how to promote your blog, then the readership won’t magically appear. And also spending too much time promoting your blog is not suitable. So finding a balance between promoting, creating helpful content, and actually understanding your audience.