How to Avoid Plagiarism in Writing?

Post by WPressBlog
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Plagiarism could happen intentionally or unintentionally. This can be possible while you have paraphrased some content on the internet and published it on your website. Or maybe the same paragraph you have written on your website like others have already on their websites.

So the question is, how to avoid Plagiarism?

In this article, we have mentioned a few easy ways that will help you to stay away from Plagiarism.

What is Plagiarism?

According to Merriam-Webster: It is an act or instance of plagiarizing.

Plagiarize means: “to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one’s own: use (another’s production) without crediting the source.”

When someone uses or steals another’s work without providing credit to the source then it becomes Plagiarism. Plagiarism is one kind of fraud.

Whether you have used someone’s work accidentally, it is still considered plagiarised work. So it becomes necessary to check every piece of content for plagiarism before publishing it.

So how can you check plagiarism easily?

There are a few ways to avoid Plagiarism. Let’s check them out.

6 Easy Ways to Avoid Plagiarism in Writing

1. Use a Plagiarism Checker Tool

Whenever you have written content on a topic then make sure to check it using the online plagiarism checking tool. There are many plagiarism checker tools you can use to detect plagiarism.

Grammarly is one of the best and most reliable online plagiarism checker tools. This tool will help you in finding the plagiarised content and where the original content is located.

I am using the Grammarly for last three years and created 100% original content using this tool. You can read here the complete Grammarly premium review.

2. Paraphrase

Paraphrasing is the best way to rewrite any sentence without losing its meaning. Effectively paraphrased content keeps the same meaning of the paragraph without plagiarism. It is necessary to maintain the real message after paraphrasing. And also this trick is very easy to apply and you can create quality content.

You can Paraphrase the content using the following tricks:

  • Convert active to passive or passive to active voice
  • Make use of keywords
  • Use synonyms words
  • Use adverbs and adjectives

Read also: Top 10 Best Online Paraphrasing Tools in 2025

3. Cite your Source

If you are using someone’s work in your content then make sure to cite the source. Citing the source will increase the trust in your website and also shows your honesty. Also, it will terminate the risk of using duplicate content.

By citing the source, users can able to check the original content able to get more information about the topic.

4. Use Quotations

The quotation is one of the best ways to use someone’s words in your content by providing credit to the source. It shows that the words are not your own words. This is the best way to avoid plagiarism in writing. It becomes easy for readers to know who is the owner of the quotes.

5. Write your Own Points or Ideas

Rather than paraphrasing or citing the sources, you can let the readers know what are your thoughts and ideas on a topic according to your experience. If you are writing your ideas and explaining them in the content then it will be the best way to provide the proper knowledge and information about the topic.

Even Google loves unique and right information. It will help your content to rank higher in search engines and reach millions of readers.

6. Proofreading

Proofreading makes your content better after applying all the above tips. Whether you are using any online plagiarism checking tool or not, proofreading is the final and best way to make the content unique on the internet.

Final Words

Avoiding plagiarism is very easy if you know how to avoid it.

Follow all the tips mentioned here to create unique content on the internet. And make sure to stay away from plagiarized content all the time for better results.

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